
Law School Secretaries Explore Possibility of Forming a Union

Since that meeting, the policy committee has felt it is dealing with the Personnel Office more than the Law School administration. "Dean Bok has been most cooperative," one said. "Our fight is with Holyoke (the Personnel Office)."

No Question

But Bok said yesterday that the final authority over the Law School employees has never been a question. "The Personnel Office provides a source of expertise in setting up these plans, a source of expertise that we cannot match."

"In one sense, we deal with the secretaries most directly. and in the most obvious sense, are the employer. On the other hand, in the questions of wage scale. transfer policy, personnel policy, there are very strong University, wide implications." he said.

Asked if he disliked the prospect of a union in the Law School, Bok said, "I don't teach labor law for nothing. I'm not afraid of unions."

