
Is it a Kandy-Kolored Streamline Baby Or a Safe, Non-Polluting Motor Vehicle?

As I pointed out here, we are going to make another 75 per cent reduction in that last 20 per cent by 1975. Is that, in your definition, a low level of pollution or isn't it? I think it's matter of semantics. The regulatory people apparently think it is, too.

Q. How much have you succeeded in lowering the nitrogen oxides so far?

BOWDITCH: Our present 1970 models have lowered oxides of nitrogen emissions 25 per cent on where they were in our 1969 models.

Q. How much have you reduced nitrogen oxide in comparison with 1965?

BOWDITCH: Well, this same relative percentage...


Q. So that's a considerably less successful part of your program so far.

BOWDITCH: We have not considered nitrogen control until just recently because it was just recently that there was concern about that level in the atmosphere.

California Controls

Q. It seems that the major stimulant to your program has been the state of California. I'm wondering how much you were lobbying in the state of California for their pollution standards and their safety standards. I want to know if there is anything to indicate that GM is in the forefront of this movement or if we will have to rely more on other regulations or on other forms of bringing change?

BOWDITCH: Well, I think I can answer at least part of that. We have sion control in California as well as nationwide.


Crankcase systems went on cars in the state of California before there was any requirement. The oxides of nitrogen control systems we have on our cars today have predated that requirement in California. Regarding the California requirements-the most recent ones-we did not object to those requirements when they were presented at the regulatory body.

Q. Did you object to the requirements which you obviously responded to on your graphs that show California levels five years ahead of nationwide levels? For example the 1966 exhaust control device. What was your response to the California proposals in 1964?

BOWDITCH: At that time we did not see how we could do it in the time frame that had been laid out for us.

Q. Did you succeed?

BOWDITCH: We did succeed.

Three Facts...
