"Hey, come watch the space foul-up!"
"Well, emergencies are the name of the game."
"It's not a panic situation where they have to do a lot in a short time."
It's a long time with nothing to do. A long panic.
"Well, that's the difference between atmosphere flying and space flying."
This is the big leagues.
"The astronauts are seeing a lot of particles flying by."
The shit has hit the fan.
Mrs. Lovell and Mrs. Haise went home in a very good mood after being assured by the Voice of Apollo squawkbox that their husbands were OK. Then they got a call from Mission Control.
"We've got a problem here."
The postmaster's wife rushed to get the show on their family tape recorder so they could send it to their daughters in Spain, along with the voices of all the relatives and friends.
Cool Hand Luke is shot in the mouth just as he says...
... shots are considered rather blah.
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