
Little Ironies, Bloody Heads

Also before midnight, three students carrying a conscious but injured boy to Stillman Infiimary in Holyoke Center were let through the police cordon on Holyoke St. Within 15 yards of the infirmary entrance, they were stopped by about six police, according to the students. one of whom shoved his club into the injured boy's groin. The group ran into the infirmary, dragging the boy with them.

At about the same time, police blocked off Freedom Square, where a whitehaired man had been dancing to Greek music in the midst of a circle of clapping demonstrators. The police began throwing gas cannisters onto the porch of Adams A and B entries. Police chased students into the entries of Harvard buildings, a practice they had avoided earlier in the evening.

Police taunted demonstrators, calling them "chicken-shits," as they chased them up the street.

As a yellow Ford tried to leave the empty Square, police formed a cordon forcing the car to a halt. A dozen police opened the doors, pulled out the driver, and beat and kicked him before letting him walk off.

Late in the night, ex-mayor Edward Sullivan was seen standing on Mass. Ave, in a riot helmet having his picture taken with a priest.

