
GOING CRAZY AT HARVARD They Shoot Horses . . .

"She started to cry. It was awful. She was Women's Lib, too . . . But that's nothing. One day in a lecture. I started telling loud anti-semitic jokes. Right in the middle of Lowell Lec! And I'm Jewish! . . . Which reminds me: too many Jews around this place. It was okay for them to let me in, but who needs the rest of this riff-raff? Wasps, too. They should farm out Wasps."

Roger lit another cigarette and looked down at his cup of coffee. Then he looked up and said, "This coffee eats shit!" He ran over to one of the benign service ladies and yelled. "This coffee eats shit!" This coffee eats shit! This coffee eats shit!" He was very loud about it.

BACK at the table, Roger snarled at someone else who waved hello at him. "That guy goes to class," he said, "at ten o'clock in the morning!"

I asked Roger what he did with himself. "Not much," he replied. "Movies-many, many movies. I spend a lot of time at the movies. I don't even care what movie. Goodbye, Mr. Chips. The Sterile Cuckoo, Lost in the Fog . . . "

" Lost in the Fog? That's not a movie."


"Yes, well, perhaps you're right," said Roger. "So, anyhow, I see a lot of movies. And then, sometimes, I get lost in the fog. And I go to the bathroom a lot. And I walk around the Common late at night looking for dead dogs, sometimes simultaneously pulling snot out of my nose with a paper clip."

"Are things that bad?"

"What do you mean, that bad? That good, man. That good!"

"This coffee is shit," I said.

"Now you're talking," said Roger. He was speaking quite rapidly now. "But you haven't heard the best part yet. Yesterday. I wrote a paper. And tomorrow, I am writing another paper. And Friday, I am going to smoke dope and go to bed with some girl. And Saturday, I am going to another movie. And Sunday, I am going to church. And Monday, I am going to a class. And Tuesday . . ."

"WHAT'S WRONG, ROGER?" I think I was yelling.

"Nothing. Really, nothing. I am not depressed. I am not happy. I would like to see these cripples sent off to a farm somewhere, but that is it."

"That's it?"

"Yes. And I am very bored, and I don't know what I am going to do after I graduate. And I want to go to Guatemala."


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