
Tufts pancake eaters gobble way to crown

Meetoff's manager snarls at him. "Wolf'em down. wolf'em down!"

All over the country and parts of Cannada on this day the International House of Pancakes is throwing a pancake-eating contest. The results are tabulated and flashed to each local eatery.

The couple who has eaten the largest total of pancakes gets a free trip to Eurpe. Once, in 1964, our Brighton Pancake House had the national winner.

The thirty minutes are nearly gone. The empty plates are piled high. Suddenly, it is all over.

The winner is Team Number Four, From Tufts, Curl Rausch, 21, and little Claire Rodgers.


Together they have eaten 189 pancakes, Claire has eaten about half of them.

"I owe it all to my manager." Rausch says modestly. His manager. William Kress, 21, of Springfield. III...has starved Rausch for three days.

Meanwhile, the CRIMSON's entry. Ben's Beach, refuses to stop eating. Life is hard at the CRIMSON.

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