
Ed School Seeks Funds to Keep American Indian Program Alive

Coming from ten states and representing 11 tribes, the group will graduate in June, 1971 with Master's degrees in Education for General Purposes.

While at Harvard they are taking "professional-level" courses in such areas as educational administration and curriculum development, he said.

"The group isn't here to learn about Native American education as such. All of them have had at least two years' experience working in that field," Matthai said.

The American Indian program concentrates instead on educational theory and techniques in general with the hope that its graduates will adapt what they learn to the specific needs of their Native American communities.

"All of our graduates this year will be returning to positions of greatly increased responsibility," Matthai said, "and they're keeping in touch with the action back home while they're here. This fact alone should help us to get funds to continue the program next year."

