The affidavit says Fleisher admitted to being present in Boston with Power, Saxe, and Bond on Wednesday evening following the robbery, but makes no mention of his admitting to being there before or during the robbery. He does admit, however, to seeing the two girls and Bond in the Philadelphia hotel room.
Either Valeri or Fleisher is lying about the morning meeting.
Who is Robert Valeri? No one seems to know. For someone who has been in custody for a week now, he has done an extraordinary amount of confessing. Both affidavits field by the FBI rely heavily on his testimony, as does McNamara's charge that this is a "revolutionary act."
At 21, Valeri seems to have spent most of his life walking into and out of jails. He spent several years in the Shirley Industrial School (a Massachusetts reform school) until March 1966, when he walked off at the age of 17 to join a traveling circus. Six months later he was captured and returned. A year later he was arrested again for burglary and sent to Walpole where he was paroled this June with intentions of attending Northeastern in the fall.
According to the FBI, Valeri says that Fleisher was present when all five suspects planned the robbery and split the loot.
In an interview with the Herald-Traveler Friday, Bond said "I'm sure Valeri has told them a lot. Fortunately, he doesn't know a great deal. Incidentally, Valeri ought to be shot if he's implicated with people like Fleisher." Why is Bond criticizing Valeri for associating with Fleisher when Fleisher allegedly helped Bond escape?
Michael Fleisher is the third in a line of three student suspects who friends say is the last man they expect to see involved in such a thing ... and the most convincing.
"My son is no criminal,' said his mother after the FBI warrant was issued. "He's a brilliant boy. If he's in trouble, it's because of the pressures on young people today. Young people feel they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders."
"Michael Fleisher was gentle, he was intelligent, he was human- I liked him a lot," said a friend. "He handles things emotionally. He got very upset at times and it took him a long time to set his emotions straight."
In the student strike center last spring, Fleisher was a more important name than Kathy Power. If Power ran meetings or directed operations, Fleisher was the person who in a sense authorized her to do it.
After the strike center fizzled in the beginning of the summer, Fleshier, like Kathy, withdrew from it. When it got kicked off campus, however, he did not return.
His relationship with Bond was much the same as the others at the strike center: distrust growing eventually into reluctant acceptance.
"What do you think of this guy Bond?" he asked a co-worker during he first days of the strike. "You mean the cop?" the student replied. "Yeah, the cop," Fleshier answered.
On a political level, Fleshier and Bond did not get along. But even on a personal level, they had their differences. In the spring, Bond solicited Feluccas girlfriend in much the same way as he did Susan Axe and Kathy Power. After each had gone out with the girl several times, she stayed with Fleshier, but one friend conjectured that the situation bred a certain competitive comradely between the two, growing over the summer into a strange friendship.
His relationship with Kathy Power was based much more on a sense of equality. They had both been through many of the same experiences together. "I think a lot of people who knew Kathy Power were thinking what we would do if Kathy showed up atour door," said one student. "What would you do?"
Wednesday, September 30:
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