
Property Transfer Causes Tenants to Face Eviction

Beal is now engaged in consulting the tenants, a process he promises to finish before the end of the month.

The legal impact of the eviction notice is to free Wassermann from carryover contractual obligations and to leave the new owners free to arrange new agreement with the tenants. These new agreements will entail extensive remodeling and, presumably, higher rents.

Confused Tenants

The tenants themselves are confused and unhappy, not knowing if they must leave or stay. "I'm not going. They'll have to force me out in court," said Artie Dyer in the Leather Design Shop at 1 Mt. Auburn Street. He hasn't received a notice, but everyone around him has and he's worried.

The consensus of the tenants is that the area will be leveled and some type of high-rise constructed. "Ridiculous," scoffs Beal, "there are no plans whatsoever for a high-rise of any sort. The land itself is simply not suitable for that type of project."

What will be involved, according to Beal, is a "rehabilitation of many of the buildings." including remodeled store fronts, standardized signs and internal improvements.


"We're trying to upgrade the situation," Beal explained," but we're going to take care of these people. We're consulting to relocate people wherever necessary. The exact plans are not yet final."

Another company spokesman indicated that new architectural designs are to be implemented, utilizing basement space and adding second stories to some buildings to create new commercial opportunities and redevelop old ones.
