Here is an actual conversation overheard at lunch and at breakfast the next day:
Two round girls with identical meals sit down at lunchtime.
"It's tuna. I love tuna," the first says.
"They should have tuna twice a week."
"Oh no-we forgot to take our pills this morning."
"That's right."
"I'm going to start my paper right after lunch."
"You're too conscientious."
"Did you see Steve today"
"Yes. I saw him when he came out of class and I said hi and he said hi and we walked together all the way to Mass Ave. and he didn't say anything and I didn't say anything. It was awful. I don't know what to do.
"We'd better do our exercises."
"Yes. We forgot Wednesday."
The next morning they sit down with a piece of bread and cheese each.
"I'm ravished." says the first.
"Me too. This cheese is so appetizing."
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