
Last Stop.

Everybody Off On the Smack Train

"Wow", said Billy. "Something else altogether."

I know you don't love me baby, but that's all right.

Billy felt better. He was relieved that the grass worked to bring him up. He looked around, pulled out the lamp-cord, and we sat down in darkness.

"I just saw a cat, man." Billy was moving his head back and forth.

"Who, man?"


"No, like a cat cat. A real cat."

"A pussycat," said Blondie. Everyone laughed.

"Where man?"

Billy smiled. "Right there!" He pointed to the fireplace. There was no cat in there. What was he doing? Then he laughed. We all laughed. Lot of good laughs. Stoned good laughs.

Suddenly the black chick stood up. "What time is it?"

"Eleven-thirty," I said.

"Marty." Marty, the blonde, didn't answer.



"Don't you think we better go?"
