
Afro-American Studies-What's Going On Here?

A History in Documents of the Rosovsky Report, The Afro Protest, and the Space in Between

1. Students must take six half courses from three of the following areas:

a. African History

b. Latin American History

c. European History

d. American History


e. American Literature.

2. Also students will be required to take two half coursse chosen from a list which includes all offerings in the American Studies (see back of Rosovsky Report). Students may petition to add other relevant courses.

B. Problems in Political and Economic Change.

1. Students must take six half courses from among upper level government and economics courses, preferably at least four in one or the other.

Honors candidates who take Economics I and choose to emphasize economics in AAS 98 and AAS 99 must take at least one graded half-course from those listed under Economics, Group IV, in the Courses of Instruction (Economics 160-199) or from those in the 200 group. Honors candidates who emphasize political science must take at least one graded half-course from those listed under Government, Group I, in the Courses of Instruction (Gov. 102-108 plus Soc. Sci. 118).

2. Also, students must take two half courses from the list described in A2 above. Other courses, such as ones drawn from Math and Statistics, might prove appropriate.

C. Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations

1. Students must take 6 half courses chosen from those listed under Social Relations (upper level) in the Courses of Instruction.

One graded half course must be taken in theory and methods of inquiry from a list including Soc. Rel. 82, 138, 197, 198r, 199, Stat. 122 and 123 and additional courses, for example, in mathematics.

Students are encouraged to take at least three half-course above the introductory level in one of the four sub-fields of Social Relations: personality psychology, social anthropology, and sociology.
