THE SOCIAL importance of the Atma enters into the picture in a subtle manner. For Samshak, the best thing that can be done with a play is to understand it. The Atma production of Zoo Story, he said, had taken the tragi-comic character of Jerry, divorced it from the comic limitations of the lines, and molded it into a densely emotional comment on American life. It was only at this intersection of the theatre and the world outside that the drama had relevance.
And this intersection of the artistic and the social provides also the intersection of the Atma and the south End, a poor but integrated neighborhood of Irish, Puerto Ricans, and blacks which lies next to Roxbury. Samshak realized the kind of problems that would arise before he set up shot near the ghetto. When racial disturbances flared last summer, he still produced the racial-crisis oriented Dutchman and Slave. During the summer he held acting workshops for the youth of the community.
In spite of his affinity to the community, Samshak has moved the Atma out of the Castle Square Project--for his business was dismally lacking. He had originally hoped to engage in a system of mutual aid with the community, but, as it turned out, nearly all the crowds were coming from the outside. The loss to vandalism was coupled with the more important loss of audiences afraid to go into the South End. Although he claims that "a big burden was relieved from me by leaving the South End," he feels no resentment toward the community. There are problems in the ghetto that the Atma alone could not change. "I think I know where they're at," commented Samshak on the people. And one doubts that he would have ever ventured into the South End if he didn't.
AS FOR THE future, in his new location, Samshak is optimistic. He has no doubt of the quality of his theatre ("Artistically speaking, there are few theatres in Boston we feel inferior to."), and he is certain that if he can only get his troupe into the public eye, the financial problems will work themselves out.
A growth in audience size would be a two-dimensionally beneficial asset to the Atma. The growth of revenue would, of course, be much appreciated. But Samshak is also concerned with the audience as an element in the art of theatrical performance. "When there is a full audience, there is a certain rapport between the audience, the actor, and the play." He said, "When the house is empty, the best you can do is to pick out a single person and try to please him." New crowds will allow more extensive advertising, and Samshak hopes the whole thing will snowball.
The move to the Charles Street Meeting House is not the first change considered by Samshak. He has long sensed the failure of his venture in Castle Square. He often considered the possibility, of moving to Cambridge. At times he even thought of junking the Atma altogether. Right now his most immediate problem is paying off advertising debts of $400 to Boston After Dark (whom he called his "biggest supporter") and $45 to the CRIMSON.
The Atma may indeed undergo a radical change of face in its new location. There will be a new lighting board and hopefully a new and larger stage with which to work. The seating capacity will be larger, and the stage will actually be dark when the lights black out. The price for a ticket will be raised to $2.50, but the coffee will still be free.
The Atma grew up in the South End charging $1.50 for a ticket and giving away free coffee. The reviews were great but the crowds were small. Now it has moved to Charles Street. The stage will be larger, the price will be $2.50 and the crowds may increase, but the coffee will still be free.