
The Harvard Band: After Today, What?

The Concert Band played at Sanders for the Anniversary Celebration, and it has another concert scheduled on December 7 at Tabor. "The Band does so many things." Walker said Wednesday, "but its year is mainly divided into the time during football season and the time afterwards. I suppose that the Wind Ensemble is an outgrowth of the schizophrenic nature of the Band organization."

The Band's organizational structure includes the manager, who is ultimately responsible for the group, seven assistant managers, two student conductors, a drum major, a librarian, a props manager and "Mom." "Mom" is Alice Tondel, a Cambridge artist who acts as chaperone, Band artist, and general friend. Her son played in the Band while Malcolm Holmes was director, and she has retained an interest in the group over the years.

The Band has produced several well known musicians, including John Green '28 and George Thow '29, but the most famous of former bandsmen is Leroy Anderson '29. Anderson is one of America's more successful jazz composers, and his "Bugler's Holiday" has been recorded by everyone fromAl Hirt to the Boston Pops. Anderson directed the Band for six years during the period 1929-1936, and wrote original marches for the Band for years afterwards.

The Band's sources of finance are varied. Harvard supplies half of their $15,000 annual budget, and record sales, concert fee sand solicitations through the Athletic Department make up the rest. But, as Walker put it. "We just try to break even."

The Band annually plays at the Red Sox opener at Fenway Park and at other functions in and around Boston. Each spring the University pays them to provide music during commencement and Reunion week. Two years ago, the Band was asked to participate in the Patriots' Day Parade in Concord, Mass:: so they marched with a British flag to complement their red Band jackets. They were not asked back last year.


A specialty concert with a single unifying theme such as peace music or the work of black composers is in the offing for this spring. according to Feige. Feige passes the Band's leadership to an assistant manager at the Yale game today in a traditional Band ceremony.

Jim Walker probably best caught the spirit of the Band when he said Wednesday. "There's probably nothing anyone could say to describe the Band. It's just a great deal of fun for everyone concerned. Nothing happens the way it's supposed to with the Band, but it does happen."
