"The Weathermen and Marion Delgado are telling you what to do," he said. "A lot of pigs are here a block down the road. On every block there are 30 to 40 lurking in the darkness, lurking in the shit.
"Judge Hoffman is an imperialist fucking pig. Marion Delgado and the Weathermen are telling you people that he's about a mile away at the Drake Hotel," Delgado said. "We hate his fucking ass. The revolution must move like fish in the sea, move in affinity groups and we're going to be moving on, moving on, moving on that fucking pig."
Moments later, the demonstrators stormed out of the park, throwing bottles and sticks through windows along Clark St. They cut across on Goethe St. to State, marched two blocks and then confronted about 20 policemen, blocking the intersection. The police fired tear gas; four demonstrators were arrested; two policemen were beaten.
The demonstrators broke through the
The Weather Fair and Balmypolice line, fighting with police, and surged east on Division St. to Astor. Smaller bands of demonstrators ran down other streets.
From Astor the demonstrators turned east on Lake Shore Drive, still breaking windows in the plush apartment buildings, small shops, and high-rise commercial buildings. Police emerged from an alley and fired several rounds of birdshot. One girl was shot in the leg by a pistol.
Police were circling the area in unmarked cars and motorcycles. Following the recommendations of the Walker and Kerner Reports, police maintained minimum visibility and maximum numbers. They did not mass in sufficient numbers to stop the mob, which had apparently surprised the police by fleeing quickly from Lincoln Park.
One car filled with plainclothesmen was trapped by the crowd as it ran forward. The trapped car gunned ahead into the crowd, injuring an undetermined number of demonstrators, some of whom "went flying through the air," according to an eyewitness.
At one intersection, a car with four middle-aged men pulled up behind the fleeing mob and beat several straggling demonstrators.
'He's My Son'
On another street, a man attacked another straggler and was beaten by others in the mob, one of whom repeatedly kicked the man as he lay in the street. A woman shouted. "Let him alone, he's my son." Then several men emerged from an apartment building, attacked the demonstrators who were beating the man, and pulled one demonstrator inside a building, where they beat him until a policeman arrived.
Demonstrators continued to rampage through the North Side area in small bands. They were particularly destructive to expensive cars, taking time to break every window in a Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud and throwing stones at a Cadillac with a 20-year-old couple inside.
Conflicting reports said that the bulk of the mob disappeared down side streets after 11 p.m., but police were reported arresting young people all over the area an hour later. Chicago police refused to comment.