
Can We Know the Dancer from the Dance?

"Why do no intellectuals believe in Marxism?" Quester asked.

None of us were quick enough in deciding whether we were Marxists or intellectuals, and so after 15 minutes of our stumbling, Dr. Quester answered his own question.

"The reason is that Marxism leaves no place for the intellectual."

He paced leisurely to the other side of the room as we inscribed the answer in our notebooks. Next question.

"What is the American ideology?"


"I really think we believe in apple pie and motherhood." I said quite seriously. The pretty Cliffic next to me smiled.

"No in fact." Dr. Quester answered, "America has no ideology the way the Russians and the Chinese do."

Next is the book by Gordon and Grommers, entitled United States Manufacturing Investment in Brazil: The Impact of Brazilian Government Policies 1946-60. The summary in the Center's Fifth Report that Vernon had called inaccurate is, in fact taken verbatim from the concluding chapter of that book.

It reports a general conviction among the participating companies that Brazil presents a large and potentially rapidly growing market, and that, in general terms, it offers a good environment for the foreign manufacturing company." (Fifth Report, p. 9)

This was one of the first books published under the auspices of the Center. One more quotation from the book:

Brazil almost automatically attracts the attention of companies giving any thought to foreign investment outside the highly advanced regions of the world. Even if. as one official said, half or more of the population cannot be considered potential customers of manufactured products, this is still one of the most important market areas among the less developed countries. (p. 147)

In 1964, under the auspices of the Center. David Galula published a book entitled Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice. From Bowie's forward:

His primary interest is to develop principles to guide a regime seeking to combat insurgency... Since insurgency seems likely to be a frequent occurrence in unstable new nations, however, there should be many opportunities to test his models...

It would be too self-indulgent to quote from the book itself. In the Table of Contents, under Chapter 7: The Operations, are the following procedures:

"First Step: Destruction or expulsion of the insurgent forces.
