Is these troubled times, when our most cherished traditions are being swept aside, the CRIMSON is proud to continue its time-honored practice of distracting you from those badly needed hours of cramming with a short quiz designed to test your knowledge of that dying genre of popular songs, the oldie but goodie. (Score yourself: 0-20 fair; 20-25, sort of good; 35-50, pretty good; 50-60, good; 60-70, real good; 71-75, goodest of all.) Student winners will receive a copy of "You Can't Sit Down," personally autographed by all the faculty members who were at that meeting in Paine Hall last month. Answers will appear next week.
Popular Astronomy
Identify the heavenly objects in the big hits by the following:
1. The Capris
2. The Elegants
3. Gerry and the Pacemakers
4. Bobby Helms
Breakfast at Tiffany's
5. They did "Ll'l Darlin"
6. The Paradons had this big hit
7. He told you about the "Birds and the Bees"
8. Both Dion and the Drifters sang about her
Musical Anatomy
Identify the parts of the human body in the big hits by:
9. The Cleftones
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Harvard Expansion