
Hetero, Homo, Sado and Pseudo: Skin Flicks Offer All Perversions

There is also the less than subtle promise of vicarious pleasure:

"THE HOT BED--the bed seldom used for sleep. A story that could happen to anyone. Maybe it could happen to you. Would you like it? See if you'd like to spend a night in THE HOT BED!"

Sometimes the narrator gets carried away with his own accolate:

"For years they played bridge for pennies. Now they play for other things. . . . SUBURBAN GIRLS CLUB! This game turned a whole town upside down and backwards!"

Skin flicks rarely turn out to be that good. The camera work if often good, and indeed skin flicks serve as steppingstones for young cameramen on the way to Hollywood. They also provide employment for writers on the way back.


Nowhere is this more evident than in the dialogue. Not atypical is an exchange from "The Girl Killers" between two workers in a mannequin factory, who are themselves embarrassed by the lines.

"Hey, Joe, did you hear about the sex strangler on the radio? Some guy breaks into a girl's apartment, strangles her with her own stocking, and then I guess he balls her after she's dead."

"He balls her after she's dead? Well, at least she's still warm!"

"It takes all kinds, Joe!
