I think it's not only likely, almost certain that we will now try to set up a committee of students and faculty where they can discuss a good many of the regulations that exist in a University and possible changes in them. And I know that there are students who are going to raise questions about the rights, privileges, of outside agencies, public and private, who come here to talk with students. We have always assumed that providing places for such interviews was in the best interests of our students. I personally am persuaded that that is true. And I think it very unlikely that there will be any significant change in that. But certainly there is this matter and other matters that can be discussed and should be discussed. So the students and faculty are speaking the same language.
QUESTION: Were there any speeches in that meeting, President Pusey, to expell any of these students.
PUSEY: No...
FORD: No, I think it's fair to repeat what President Pusey said, that there was no speech favoring more severe action than the one that was taken. Although it's also fair to say that over the last few days some members of the Faculty have privately expressed themselves as favoring more severe action. Where we ended up was really not with a compromise between two extremes expressed this afternoon, but with a considered recommendation of the Administrative Board that this action was sufficient to have real deterrent effect and yet did take account of some of the confusions of the students involved, not just sincerity, but the difficulty in judging the moment when they were crossing the line from dissent into quite unacceptable use of force.
And I ought to emphasize that from the Faculty's point of view probation is a serious penalty. A student on probation can't represent the College publicly on any athletic team, any dramatic program, musical program, anything of that sort, cannot be an officer in an organization, is subject to immediate closing of probation, which is severance, either for academic or disciplinary reasons during that period. In other words, this is not what I would call mild action. But it was certainly not in the faculty's view over-reacting or Draconian.
QUESTION: President Pusey, will stiffer disciplinary action be taken if there is a recurrence of this type of demonstration?
PUSEY: Well, I think the implication is clearly that this Faculty and this community has said that the use of force is unacceptable. I think that's what it said.
QUESTION: Then you don't consider this a slap on the wrist.
PUSEY: No, I don't
QUESTION: Dean Ford, President Pusey stated the only issue is the use of force. Do you think that the faculty agrees with that and also do you think the Faculty can take up the question of whether Harvard is involved in the War in Vietnam?
FORD: It seems to me very unlikely that the Faculty is going to take up a question which is not a real question at all. Harvard is involved in the War in Vietnam like any other agency or organization of the American people. As an official participant in the war, it is of course not involved at all. The Faculty did agree on the specific incident under consideration, and the overbearing question had to be the use of force. After having supported the board and in effect denouncing that, it went on to discuss other issues, including what has in fact been developing anyway for a long time: more consultation, more Faculty-student dialogue, and agreed to look into the institution of a committee which might have been started a week earlier except we couldn't very well change our machinery in the middle of the crisis.
QUESTION: Dr. Pusey, what avenue of appeals are openu to students if they wish to contest this decision?
PUSEY: Well, the Dean of the College will have to reply to that.
GLIMP: Students who wish to appeal for reconsideration of the decision will contact their senior tutors in their Houses who are sort of deans of students in each House, also Faculty members. And if they have new evidence to bring to bear on his case the Administrative Board will reconsider the decision.
QUESTION: The decision is supposed to go into effect as of what date?
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