Population control
Legal Medicine
History of medicine
Growth and development
Computer science
Marriage and family counselling
Physical diagonosis and case taking Introduction to the clinic Major clinical experience (In-hospital and ambulatory)
Specialty electives--all clinical departments
In addition to these intra-Council teaching exercises some inter-Council teaching will occur, as in Pathophysiology, requiring cooperation of the Biological Sciences Council and the Clinical Sciences Council, as well as in a community and family medicine project which should be a combined activity of the Behavioral and Social Science Council and the Clinical Science Council.
Plans for a Curriculum
There are many ways in which the integrated core curriculum may be combined with the departmental elective courses. The two kinds of teaching may run a parallel course throughout each academic year, e.g., core curriculum in mornings and electives distributed over afternoons. The core could be included within the first two or three years and the last one to one and a half years could be reserved entirely for elective courses. The core could be taught in blocks reserved for electives. One example of this last arrangement, which has the attractive feature that electives in all years are taught at the same time and thus potentially available to all classes, divides the academic year into three 15-week of vacation. The middle 15-week of vacation. The middle 15-week period of each year would constitute the elective period. A variant of this arrangement would permit this trimester system to overlap with the second semester at other graduate schools so that medical students could seek electives in the university and electives at the medical school would be available to other students. By making the three periods 20, 15 and 10 weeks, respectively, this can be accomplished.
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