
Yin Crowd Gets High on Brown Rice

"I'm feeling much better, Mr. Kushi," an old lady called.

"My eye-sight is getting stronger again," an old man declared.

"How can I get rid of the split ends on my hair?" a girl asked.

"I will answer all questions, all questions," Mr. Kushi replied. He paused to gaze at a young student. "Ah, you're changing. You're growing beautiful, beautiful."

"Mr. Kushi, how did you come to Cambridge?" we asked.


"Ah," he replied, "when I was a young student of political science at the University of Tokyo I met Georges Ohsawa. He rediscovered the ancient yin-yang cosomology of Chinese emperor Fou-hi, who ruled about 2910 B.C. He taught me that man is unhappy because he feels divorced from the world. The dialectic of world peace can be achieved only through diet." He continued, describing how Ohsawa had founded several "sanarants," sanatorium restaurants, in France and six Macrobiotic restaurants in New York.
