All skis today are laminated and the best combination in wooden skis is hickery with ash; flexibility is determined by the ratio of the two. In the lower price ranges ash is mainly used. The ski should have a durable plastic base, preferably "Kofix" or "P-Tex" which are polyethylene bottoms, require very little waxing and are easy to repair. Steel edges should be interlocking and slightly offset at tips and ends of the ski. The top should have a plastic cover or lacquer and plastic top edges.
Definitely Adequate
An ash ski with the abovementioned features sells for about $35 or $40 and is definitely adequate for the beginner. The advanced skier will have to pay from $4 to $70 for an ash-hickory laminated ski if he thinks he has outgrown the stage when he looks up at better skiers mostly from the bath-tub perspective.
Some of the best wooden skis are German and Austrian models. Wood skies carry no manufacturer's degree.
Metal and fiberglass skis are great, but for beginners it is better to wait a while for them. You might not like skiing after all.
A good pair of metal skis represent a life-time purchase. They most in the $100-$150 range, and usually carry a one-year guarantee. Fiberglass skis are in the $20 range, and are customarily guaranteed for five years.
As far as the proper length of the ski is concerned, a rule of thumb is for men from nine to twelve inches over their head, depending on weight and physical fitness. Never buy them any shorter than that because it is dangerous. For women the rule would be from six to nine inches.
Ski Hardware
The hardware that ties the boots to the skis is called the binding: don't say harness or "the works on the ski." It irritates skiers. Except for some old-timers in the backwoods of Maine or the Black Forest, everybody uses a release binding today.
Many different types are on the market and in my opinion a double release toepiece with a release cable is the best combination. Properly adjusted the binding will prevent many accidents and you will do well to come with the set. In any case buy a so-called "Arlberg Strap" with the binding. A simple release stop will not prevent the ski from whirling around once the binding has released. A binding costs around $15 to $18, depending on the selection of the toepiece. In no case, however, should beginners use the swivel heels, since they do not provide adequate safety in forward spills.
Least Expensive
Poles are part of the ski, but here you can save all the money you want to. They run from about $5 to $25, but for the newcomer the least expensive one will do the job.
Clothing is completely up to you, but make sure that you are warm enough. The sharpest and tightest pants with stripes on the sides don't help you in subzero temperatures unless you have long underwear. Snow bunnies may admire you beautiful haircut and lots of grease (kid . . .) in it, but frozen ears can harm this picture considerably.
Again, spend some time in the shop and let experts explain to you what is best and why. Select from the advertising two or three stores which appeal most to you, take your wife or date along and enter the first stage of your skiing career.