
Varsity Prospects

Sports '67

In addition, Marion said, all of this year's freshman team should be joining the varsity squad, and many of them will probably see action in some of the easier matches.

Rounding out prospects for present Yardlings on next year's varsities:

* Wrestling: At least four men--Howard Henjyoji (123), captain Ed Franquemont (157), Don Gasink (167), and Chris Wickens (177)--should be in active contention for varsity slots.

Dressler for Varsity

* Basketball: Only captain Gene Dressler, a guard, seems likely to make Floyd Wilson's squad. Even though the varsity doesn't need guards (with Keith Sedlacek, captain-elect Leo Scully, and lettermen Al Bornhelmer and Bill Fegley back), freshman coach Bruce Munro speculated that Dressier might "give some people a run for their money."


* Squash: Graduation will deplete this year's squad of seniors, including the legendary Vic Niederhoffer. These losses should give Yardlings Craig Stapleton (1) and Mat Hall (2) a crack at the lower positions on Jack Barnaby's team. A crack is all they will get, however. Neither turned in the type of sparking season record that would assure him of a position.

* Track: Undoubtedly, the Yardling contribution to the Crimson varsity should be considerable. How considerable should become apparent after this spring's schedule.
