Why an answer that has not a care?
All these questions and not any answers to me or no one else but Thee.
The next day was different--as different can be for the flag was lowered at half staff, you see.
All that had happened the other day seemed to have been but a dream.
Some believing.
Some unbelieving.
Some just staring and looking.
This was the date the world cried.
This was the date the world stood still.
This is the date we'll never forget! November, 1963 written by a 14-year-old girl who regularly wrote a column for the Freedom News and wants to be a journalist.
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What I Like About School
Well, the things I do to learn is to listen to what other people say and take notes of what I hear when I listen, I like to take notes what I'm doing.
My favorite subject in school is reading. I like to read because I like to look at different Kinds of pictures in the story. But if I don't pay any attention to anybody, well, I just won't know anything. Sometimes I look like I'm not paying any attention, but I was paying attention all along. Aug. 14 1964 written by a young girl from rural Benton County
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