
The Conservatives In Wisconsin: Dedication Not To Be Dismissed

This man himself has three filing cabinets of carefully catalogued clippings and pamphlets on communism.

When conservatives and ultra-conservatives turn to politics, they do so with determination. In Wisconsin, they tightly control the local Republican apparatus in many areas. Just last spring a Republican caucus in one of Wisconsin's ten Congressional districts passed resolutions which opposed the graduated income tax, called for the defeat of the civil rights bill, and asked for a full-scale investigation of the State Department" in the best McCarthy tradition.

'Kookie' Young Reps

A prominent "moderate" Milwaukee Republican declares that two of the metropolitan area's Republican clubs (including the state's largest, with more than 5000 members) are controlled by Birch elements or Birch sympathizers. He says that the state's "radical right" is well financed, and then ticks off a number of important industrialists who give their full support to the movement. In addition, he claims that "the party is dependent on these people for big contributions."

Conservatives and ultra-conservatives have also been at work among the youth of the party. "Young Republican Clubs around here are full of 'kooks,'" this moderate Republican explains. The conservatives, he elaborates, "are the people who actually run these groups."


Thus, for years, conservatives have been laboring doggedly in areas like Wisconsin. As more than a partial result of their efforts, Barry Goldwater is the Republican presidential nominee. The moderates should have learned one thing in San Francisco: the conservatives deeply believe in the rightcousness of their cause; their toil is not solely an attempt to gain power, and, once they have attained power at any level, they will not easily modify the views that prompted them to action in the first place.

The conservative is where he is today--not only in certain segments of the Republican party, but also in parts of the Democratic party--because he works hard. Those who dislike the conservative and his credo must work even harder if they are to demolish his power
