
Winning Poems: The Moods of Summer

The following poems won the annual poetry contest sponsored by the Summer School. The winners were selected from 60 entrants who submitted more than 300 poems. Judges this year were Walter Clark, Denis Donoghue, and James K. Robinson.

First Prize Parker W. Swanson

Charles River Herons

There are we who watch

The shallow edges, the long grasses, we who walk


The river edges in cool summer evenings.

Insects and small fish we call and collect

Among the city's slime, washed over our river edges,

Patiently watching polluted water washing our river's margins,

Our shallow edges, our long grasses.

God's Creatures

It was easy, under light boughs

And green of summer evenings,

The innocent grasses laughing, for you

To break and yield up from a rabbit
