The CRIMSON, in its once-a-term campaign to keep American Ideals alive, will observe the Birthday of the Founder of our Republic, or Democracy if you must, by not publishing tomorrow, and with suitable other festivities. Rejoice, go without news for a day.
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Crimson WisdomCallbacks You're breakin' my heart, you're shakin' my confidence, baby. Hey whiz-kids, next time lock the green room. Randomization Give
To Celebrate John Harvard's BirthTomorrow morning at 8.45 o'clock the Reverend Dr. Frothingham will conduct a special service in commemoration of John Harvard's birthday.
FIRST CHAPEL SERVICE.Last night in Appleton Chapel the opening service of the year was held, a large congregation listening to a sermon
No HeadlineThe report of prosperity which comes from the New York Harvard Club is gratifying. A prosperous and vigorous body of
No HeadlineThe Harvard Athletic Association and the Harvard Union both rejoice in new shingles.
Prof. Copeland's Reading PostponedProfessor Copeland regrets exceedingly that on account of an unusual amount of work in the beginning of the second half-year,