Q: Let me ask you, sir: do you see any hope for...
A: The removal of this sword of Damocles? Yes.
Q: Why?
A: Because everyone is for peace.
Q: Could you explain that?
A: We all wish to avoid the nuclear holocaust, the final catastrophe, the ultimate disaster. Nobody wants an Armageddon. The great powers are 'have' nations, with fundamental commitments to the status quo. They both wish to avoid the Nth country problem.
Q: What precisely is the Nth country problem?
A: That's when China and Germany get the bomb.
Q: And they're not for peace?
A: Well, as I said, everyone's for peace but maybe China and Germany a little less.
Q: Who then is most for peace?
A: On the international level: the neutrals, the emergent nations, the smaller powers, the Bandung Pact countries, the underdeveloped and the non-aligned. Also the Afro-Asian bloc and the non-nuclear club.
Q: And on the individual level?
A: Well, there's Russell, Pauling, Erich Fromm...
Q: Just a moment. I read somewhere that Russell said...
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Walter Lippmann 1889-1974