
Biff Bundie, University Cop, in 'The Circle of Seven'

Chapter 3: The Bronze Rhinoceros

"Honestly, Kevin, you're not making much sense. Come on, let's have a cup of coffee, and you can tell me about yourself."

had stimulated his brain to the limit of its powers,

like a flash it came to Biff. The word "coffee" and suddenly he knew: The Bronze Rhinoceros was a coffeehouse!

Trying to hide his excitement, he said slowly and meaningfully, "Sure, Jane, let's pop over to the Bronze Rhinoceros." He studied her face carefully for a sign of recognition.

"The what?" asked Jane.


"The Bronze Rhinoceros," said Biff, leaning closer, "best coffee in the world." He scrutinized her intently.

"Kevin, are you...all right? You've got an awfully odd look in your eye."

"Bronze Rhinoceros," he intoned, bending right over her.

"Uh...well...Kevin...I...uh...I've got to get back to Comstock. Nice...uh...seeing you again." She edged away slowly, then broke into an open run and dashed across the Yard at an amazing speed.

"Hmm," thought Biff, "I guess it's not a coffee-house." He watched Jane disappear and then turned away dejectedly. "I've miscalculated," he thought. He looked around him and saw students with happy faces walking to and fro. "Strange," he thought, becoming philosophical, "life is going on as usual, but right under our noses there is something horrible." It was four o'clock, and the afternoon sun was casting long shadows; the Yard looked oddly serene. Two students passed Biff and broke his reverie by speaking loudly:

"You've got to write a paper, don't you?"

"Yeah, for Soc Rel 182--sluts and nuts."

Instantly, like some great steel spring, Biff's mind leaped into action. "I've got to solve this puzzle!" he said aloud. Still, he couldn't help laughing for a moment at the nickname the student had given his course. "That's almost as good as some of the nicknames we used to give our profs at the Police Academy--like 'Old Baldhead.'" Biff laughed aloud with the memory. And then abruptly he stopped. "My God," he cried, "of course--The Bronze Rhineroceros is a nickname! He has the answers to this whole business.'"

Quickly he overtook three undergraduates on the path in front of University Hall, and putting on his best Harvard manner, said:

"Say, fellows, any of you in the old Bronze Rhinoceros's course?" He stared at them intently, hoping for confirmation of his hunch. The students gave each other curious glances, but did not reply. Biff was not discouraged, for he knew he was right. "Yeah," he went on with great seriousness, "I think the world of the old Bronze Rhinoceros." Now the young men increased their pace markedly and in a few moments left the detective behind. "They must have been freshmen," thought Biff, undismayed. "But this time I'm right. I'll track down that Bronze Rhinoceros if it's the last thing I ever do!"
