
New Student Council Proposed Constitution

The officers of the Council shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall have completed their third term in college. The Chairman...shall have power to vote whenever his vote affects the outcome. Any officer may be impeached by a two-thirds vote of the Council.


To prescribe definite plans and rules governing functions outlined in Articles (concerning officers and meetings).

To give due consideration to any proposal concerned with student affairs which undergraduates may lay before it.

To hold a referendum in exceptional cases, when requested by a two-thirds vote of the Council or a petition signed by 500 students, on any proposal concerned with student affairs.


To keep students informed of activities of the Council: (by summary reports of its major activities and plans, a complete and detailed financial statement, copies of reports, decisions, etc., issued on request, and a least one open public meeting a term to receive undergraduate complaints, question, and suggestions).


To raise money from the student body each year by voluntary contributions. This fund shall be used for undergraduate affairs for which the Council possesses ultimate financial responsibility and for other purposes which the Council considers in the interest of the whole student body.

To supervise all class elections and undergraduate affairs for which the Council possesses ultimate financial responsibility.

To confer with the Administration and Faculty of the Colleges, or any member thereof, upon any subject pertaining to the undergraduate body.

To make reports and statements on College policies.

To cooperate with student groups from other colleges and students associations.


The standing committees of the Council shall be a Combined Charities Committee, a Committee on Educational Policy, a Committee of Course Evaluation, and a National Student Association Committee. In addition there shall be an election committee composed of a Council member who shall act as co-ordinater and one member from each House Committee. The Council shall appoint such additional committees as it deems necessary. Committees shall be headed, whenever appropriate by a member of the Council, and shall consist of undergraduates closely associated with the problems under consideration. All committee appointments and chairmanships shall be made by vote of the Council.

