With a third and five situation on the Princeton 48, when Blanchard off tackle would have been the most likely call, Singleton put the ball is Blanchard's gut as the fullback smashed over right tackle. Just when everybody--including the Princeton defenders -- thought "there goes Blanchard," Singleton pulled the ball out, stepped back, and threw to his right halfback Wolfe, who had had no trouble sneaking down the right side of the field behind Kornrumpf. The pass went 33 yards: Wolfe could have walked the last five. Singleton then passed to Muller for the extra points. Halftime score: Yale 22, Princeton 6--with all of the scoring done in the second quarter.
On the opening series of plays in the third period, Singleton decided to try the same belly-pass play. After working up to the Princeton 43, with first and ten, Singleton bellied to Blanchard off right tackle and threw 23 yards to the lone Wolfe, who made up the distance untouched. Blanchard drove over for the extra points.
Singleton wasn't through yet. On the next Yale series of plays he set up the Bulldogs' fifth touchdown by way of a thrilling roll-out run to the right which moved the ball from the Princeton 30 to the five. On that play he should have been tackled four times before he was finally brought down. He hadn't forgotten about the end run. Nor had he forgotten about Blanchard: Blanchard took the ball over from the 2, two plays later.
After Blanchard's touchdown (midway in the third quarter), Oliver slowly emptied his bench. Junior quarterback Bill Leockonby, who had a lot of fun completing five of 11 passes for 47 yards, scored Yale's last touchdown on a three yard run. Ed Kaake toed the extra point.
During the last period Hard looked like Blanchard, and Princeton's Scott ran and threw, and ran and threw some more in the Tigers' long touchdown drives.
When it was all over, Colman summed up the Bulldogs pretty well: "Yale has a very, very good team. They're tough to stop, with their inside fullback attack, roll-outs around end, and belly pass." Yale rushed for 251 yards and passed for 167 more for a total of 418 yards against Princeton.
Olivar was asked if he didn't agree that this was the best club he had over coached at Yale in his nine years as head coach. "It's starting to look that way," he answered