
Text of the Questionnaire

55. Would you have any objections to the election as President of Harvard a man who was:

66-241 Roman Catholic; 7-303 Protestant; 50-260 Jewish; 47-262 an atheist or agnostic?

56. Below are several very brief, rough statements of variious conceptions of the Deity; check the one that most nearly approximates your view:

55 a. There is an infinitely wise, omnipotent three-person God Who created the universe and Who maintains an active concern for human affairs.

17 b. There is a God precisely as described in (a) except that He is absolutely One and in no sense possesses a trinitarian nature.


73 c. I believe in a God about Whom nothing definite can be affirmed except that I sometimes sense Him as a mighty spiritual "Presence" permeating all mankind and nature.

37 d. There is a vast, impersonal principle of order or natural uniformity working throughout the entire universe and which, though not conscious of mere human life, I choose to call "God."

67 e. Because of our ignorance in this matter, I see no adequate grounds for either affirming or denying the existence of God.

13 f. I reject all belief in anything that could reasonably be called "god" and regard every such notion as a fiction unworthy of worship.

33 g. Other


considered in Article on Jewish Beliefs


(Answered by Students Believing in some Divine Presence)

60. 129-72 I believe that God is all-powerful.

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