
Social Schism: Brown Spring Weekend

Two Wild Days Reveal Problems Confronting a Fraternity College

Another beer can rattles down the walk, and another, and another. The container of a more expensive drink crashes against the brick wall of Phi Delta Theta. Another beer can rattles into a little sapling.

"We won, man!" A brother grasps a brother by the neck and drags him down the corridor. "Whaddya know!"

"Looky baby!"

"Hey--Worthless! Com 'ere!"

"Oh--Gail--there you are. Hey, Fish--where can the girls change?"


"Oh--pick a room, any room. Try Beasley's room--the first on the left."

Gail disappears--perhaps never to be seen again by her date. It matters little. Sue is just as good; or even Ann--actually, he's been out with most of the girls in the room.

"Folks are dumb where I come from,

They ain't had any larnin. . . . ."

"Hey--Rat! Where are your pants?"

"What's wrong with Bermuda shorts?"

"Still they're happy as can be, Doin' what comes nat'rally'"

"That's a good phonograph, Pete. Sounds much better than the last time I heard it."

"When--last week? Well, here's Gail; I'd better be seeing you."

"Gail My love! Before you return to Pete, allow me. . . ."
