Democrat Michael Di Salle defeated C. William O'Neill in the contest for governor. In an exceptionally close race for the Senate, Republican Senator John Bricker lost to Steven Young.
Republican Hugh Scott defeated Democratic Gov. George M. Leader by 100,000 votes in the Senatorial contest, while David L. Lawrence, Democratic mayor of Pittsburgih, received a somewhat smaller plurality for governor over Republican candidate Arthur McGonigle.
Rhode Island
Republican gubernatorial candidate Del Sesto, loser of a disputed election in 1956, reversed the decision and defeated Democratic incumbent Dennis J. Roberts. However, Democratic senator Pastore defeated his Republican opponent Ewing.
With only 23 per cent of the vote reported, Democrat Frank E. Moss has a slight lead in the Senatorial race against incumbent Arthur Watkins and former Governor J. Bracken Lee.
Democrat William Meyer defeated Congressional candidate Harold Arthur for the first Democratic state-wide victory since 1852. Republicans won, however, in the Senate and Gubernatorial contests.
West Virginia
Democrats captured two important Senate seats from Republican incumbents Chapman Revercomb and John D. Hablitzell.
Democratic Senator William Proxmire retained his seat against Republican candidate Roland Steinle. Voters also chose Democratic candidate Nelson as Governor.