
Dulles Denies China Policy Shift; UAW Workers Settle GM Dispute

Eisenhower told his news conference Wednesday that unless Republicans help out with their time, brains and money, the cause of moderate, free enterprise government is probably going to be lost.

The consequences, he added, would be incalculable.

Eisenhower also added appearances in Iowa and Kansas and a weekend stopover in Denver to his own Western campaign tour this month.

Before leaving for the West on Oct. 17, the President will spend Columbus Day, Oct. 12, in New York City.

White House press secretary James C. Hagerty told reporters Thursday he may shortly announce some political activity in connection with the New York trip. Present plans call for Eisenhower to attend a wreath-laying ceremony at Columbus Circle in Manhattan and lay the cornerstone of a 20-million-dollar interchurch center in the Columbia University area.


"This contract represents very substantial progress for General Motors workers and their families," Reuther said. "It is good for GM workers and it is good for the country because it is non-inflationary in character."

When the strikers walked out, the shutdown of GM's automotive division was completed within an hour
