HUERA representatives cite the satisfactory settlements reached in the past as evidence of the effectiveness of their elected negotiators. They claim to have followed a reasonable and responsible course, and have been able to avoid recourse to state arbitration. "We go round and round until we come to an agreement, but we've never had to call in outside help," John L. Standring, treasurer of the HUERA, says. "But we reserve the right to challenge the bosses," he adds.
'The Best Anywhere'
HUERA officials also assert that fringe benefits such as insurance, vacations, and holidays at the University are equal to, if not better than, those offered elsewhere. "The new Harvard sick plan is the best anywhere," Stone comments.
Working conditions and job security are major attractions of University employment, he says. Pressure is less on University employees, and "it's easier on everyone's peace of mind to work for a few dollars less than on the outside," Stone remarks.
The attitude of the University toward its employees seems to be as important an issue in the present controversy as the effectiveness of HUERA representation. "Whether it's because of or in spite of the HUERA, we've always been given the breaks," one maintenance employee notes.
James Burnett, who has been a janitor in freshman dormitories for 31 years and once served as an HUERA officer, also comments that "The University has always been fair to us, and they were always fair when I sat with them on wages and grievances."
Henry Petrillo, a veteran of 27 years service, adds that the University is sometimes "too fair," and gives employees "too many extra chances."
"I'm completely satisfied here," he continues, "and I think my co-workers feel the same way."
The University has followed a policy of strict neutrality during the AFL campaign. "We prefer that they remain neutral," Sullivan says, adding that his Local is neutral toward the University. "You can't call a guy a bum, and then go in and ask him for raises," he explains.
The University's position became the chief issue during the 1953 organizing drive, when the New England director of the Building Service Employees International announced that an honorary life membership was being awarded to James R. Reynolds '23, assistant to the president, for his "excellent co-operation" during the campaign.
'Very Poor Taste'
Reynolds called the union announcement "grossly misleading," and wrote to employees that "If they intend to imply my support of the solicitation of your vote in favor of any union, I believe you will feel as I do that it is an example of very poor taste."
The 1953 campaign was organized by the International Union but the present drive is being conducted entirely by the Local, with half of the expenses borne by the parent organization. Local 254, the largest in the International, has a $40,000-50,000 treasury, part of which is reserved to finance organizing work.
The size of the Local's coffers and the salaries of its officers and staff are a bone of contention for many prospective members. HUERA dues are only 25 cents per month, while Local 254 charges its members $2.50 monthly. "We'd have to get a lot back from the AFL to make up for what we would be losing," says HUERA Treasurer Standing.
Local 254 regards its paid, full-time employees as a decisive factor in its favor, however. "The president of the HUERA is a janitor," notes Sullivan, a recent graduate of the Trade Union Program of the Graduate School of Business Administration. "That's the main difference. We are professionals, working all day, everyday for our members." He adds that officers who are not financially dependent upon the University could bargain more freely.
Sullivan emphasizes the "day-to-day relationship" of his agents and the Local's members. "When there's a borderline grievance case, we take the member's side, and take it up with the management right away," he says.
HUERA officers recognize the professional ability of their opponents, but add, "That's more than offset by the fact that we know what we're talking about." The company union's executive board includes representatives of each employment category from the different divisions of the University, in the Cambridge-Boston area.
They claim that the group offers each member a bigger voice than he could have in the large local union, in which University employees would have only a representative on the executive board.
Sullivan seeks a position of wage leadership for Harvard, but admits that two-year contracts both here and at MIT would make possible alternating wage leadership, which would satisfy the members at both