
1957 Permanent Class Committee Candidates

Philip C. Haughey: Eliot; Fr. sports; Varsity football, baseball, basketball; Pres., Varsity Club; VP, Pi Eta Club; Catholic Club; HYDC.

Lauren C. Hickman: Lowell; PBH; Soc Rel Soc.; HYRC; House Christmas play.

Henry C. Holmes: Eliot; Union Comm.; Crimson Key; PBH; Fr. Soccer, squash, tennis; House Comm.; Varsity soccer and squash; Pres.; Pudding Theatricals.

L. Draper Hill, Jr.: Eliot; Lampoon-Ibis; Hasty Pudding; PBH.

Richard K. Hurley: Leverett; Fr. and Var. basketball; Varsity Club; Pi Eta Club; Hasty Pudding; Catholic Club.


Robert H. Jaffe: Leverett; Fr. and Var. swim team; PBH; House athletics; House Dramatic Soc.; Christmas Show.

Lawrence H. Johnson: Adams; House Rep. to Stud. Council; House Comm.; House Theater Group; Glee Club; Debate Council.

William H. Joseph: Kirkland; House Comm.; House Ath. Sec.; intramural boxing; Undergrad. Ath. Comm.; Hasty Pudding.

James L. Joslin: Eliot; Pres., Pi Eta Club; Hasty Pudding; Varsity Football; Harvard Rugby Club; House basketball; track.

Hermann A. Kopp: Leverett; Varsity Soccer; Hasty Pudding; Ski Club; Varsity Club.

Jon R. Lind: Eliot; Varsity swimming; PBH; Fr. and House golf; Nat'l scholarship.

Robert M. Livingston: Kirkland; Band; Bach Soc. Orch.; House Music Comm.; House football; PBH committees.

Charlton MacVeagh, Jr.: Eliot; Fr. squash and tennis; Varsity squash and soccer; Drumbeats and Song; Hasty Pudding Pres.; Pudding Show.

Gordon A. Martin, Jr.: Adams; Pres., HYDC; Hasty Pudding Theatricals; House Play; Chair., Fr. Smoker Comm.; Cath. Club; PBH; Fr. Union Comm.

Richard B. Merlo: Leverett; Union Comm.; House Comm., Sec., Chair.; Fr. boxing.; Stud. Council Comm., Chair.; PBH; Bat Club.
