
Court Tennis Seven Holds Season

The Sporting Scene

The University's only off-season athletic team playing the University's only sport of kings will open and close its regular season this weekend against Yale and Princeton in the Intercollegiate Court Tennis tournament at New York's Racquet and Tennis Club.

The squad of seven, rated a lopsided favorite even against the more experienced Elis, will be seeking its second consecutive undefeated season.

Court Tennis, usually restricted to wealthy athletes because of the scarcity of court tennis courts, is now in its third year of intercollegiate competition. It was revived by James Van Alen. Van Alen, brother of the United States Court Tennis Association President, will interrupt an African safari by flying to New York for the tourney.

The University team will be entirely composed of undergraduates. The ladder, recently determined by a University tournament at the Boston Racquet and Tennis Club, will have one of its two veteran players, Nicholas S. Ludington, Jr., in the number one position.

Except for John J. Mortimer at four, the remainder of the squad only recently took up the sport, and two began play only a month ago.


Dazzler F. Davis III, who with Ludington will also represent the University at the invitational tournament in Aiken, S.C. this spring, will play at two; Ed Harding, three; Enos Richardson, Jr., five; Randall W. Hackett, six; and Stanislaus Yassukovitch of Warsaw, at seven.

Later this spring the three Ivy teams and individual players from Eastern colleges will compete in another tourney for individual honors to determine positions on the first U.S. University team. This team will tour England next summer, facing Oxford and Cambridge on the famous Lords' court in London.

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