
U.S. Court Tennis Team Dominated By Members From Crimson Squad

To Play on Henry VIII Court

NEW YORK CITY. Four members of the Crimson's undefeated Court Tennis team will dominate the ladder of the first U.S. university squad which will tour England this summer and play a combined team from Oxford and Cambridge.

Nicholas Ludington, Jr., captain and number one on the Crimson team, will captain and play in the number one position on the university team.

Elsewhere on the eight-man U.S. ladder, Ed Harding '58 will play in the three spot, Randy Hackett '57, five, and John Mortimer '58, will occupy the sixth position. Al were winners in the Crimson's 14-6-1 rout of Yale and Princeton here at the Tennis and Racquet Club last March.

The U.S. team, dressed in its official forest green blazers, will leave New York June 24 on a special TWA sportsliner. The main match of the tour, against the combined Oxford-Cambridge squad in the famous Hampton court tennis court, built by King Henry VIII in 1527, will be on July 14 and 15 in London.

Last weekend Captain Ludington won "Jock" Whitney's Greentree Tourney at Manhasset, L.L., for college players, although all other Crimson entrants, including Stanley Yassukovich and Dave Olyphant, did not go past the quarter-finals.


The U.S. team will be honored at two special Balls in Paris and London by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Winthrop Aldrich '07, U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James.

The remainder of the team will come from Yale, Jim Van Alen and George Unhoch, Princeton, George Reindel, and Pennsylvannia, Bill Van Alen. U.S. Army Private Dwight Davis, former number two man on the Crimson ladder, will not make the trip because of Army regulations.

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