
The Big Game: Some Faces In the Crowd

Nostalgic Reminiscences of A Sentimental Old Grad


"I have a paper due Friday."


"I have to wait on that night."

"Well, uh, how about next Thursday?"


"I have a long paper due the week after that. Have to stay in all weekend."

"Oh, well, how about two weeks from Friday?"

"My mother is coming up then. Mothers are such an awful bore."

"Well, uh, then what are you doing the weekend after that?"

"Why, uh, I'll be having loads of hour exams and things the next week, and I'll probably have to stay in all weekend. I'll just be exhausted. I guess I study too much."

"Yes, Mary Jane, I know how it is to put your heart and soul into studying. It's a sacrifice, but we should never hesitate to make it."

"You're right, Hubert. You're so right."

"And the weekend after that you will probably want to get out a little and relax, won't you?"

"Why, yes, I guess I would, Hubert. I guess I would."

"Okay, well, I'll pick you up at 12:30."
