
Altruism Center Probes Five-Dimensional Love In Studies of Saints, Nurses, Radcliffe Girls

Sorokin Directs Analysis of Emotion From Small Office in Emerson

... I believe in the following truths, which are fully confirmed by our experimental studies!

Hate begets hats, violence engenders violence, hypocrisy is answered by hypocrisy, and love generates love.

Unselfish love has enormous creative and therapeutic potentialities, far greater than most people think. Love is a life-giving force, necessary for physical, mental and moral health.

Altruistic persons live longer than egotistic individuals.

Children deprived of love tend to become vitally, morally, and socially defective.


Love is the most powerful antidote against criminal, morbid and suicidal tendencies; against hate, fear and psychoneuroses.

It is an indispensable condition for deep and lasting happiness.

It is goodness and freedom at their loftlest.

It is the finest and most powerful educational force for the ennoblement of humanity.

Finally, only the power of unbounded love practiced in regard to all human beings can defeat the forces of Interhuman strife, and can preserve the pending exterminations of man by man on this planet.

Introduction to The Ways and Powers of Love
