Q. What are the greatest needs of our age?
A. It seems to need a little check on speed; the mutual understanding of nations also.
Q. What is America's greatest strength and greatest weakness?
A. I am not prepared to answer the first. I should want several months. As to her weakness, she has too high an opinion of herself, a feeling of superiority over other nations, a superiority complex; a tendency to believe that America leads in civilization; a tendency to look down upon nations she cannot understand. An American woman, after twenty years in Europe, once remarked to a fellow country-woman, "your idea of civilization is plumbing."
Q. What should you expect education to be in the next 25 years?
A. Pretty complicated question, too. Education ought to stop war. Milton's definition would be appropriate, with some modifications of course. "I call therefore, a complete and generous education that which fits men to perform justly, skillfully and magnanimously all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war." That is one of the best definitions of education I know. One of the best things that education should do is to educate people out of war.