
Crime Syndicate Will Commence Operations In Cambridge Again

Social Espionage CC, an intensified course in local subversion, will hold its first meeting Monday night at 14 Plympton St. Openings, especially for female agents, in all four departments.

The course will meet three times a week for the first three weeks. Although not open to freshmen, the course has no prerequisites. Election will repace final examinations at the and of the ten week study.

News candidates will receive expert instruction in wire-tapping, key-hole peeking, and brain-washing, with practice on live victims.

Editorial board teaching will include all well-known technics of half-truth, Ciceronian distortion, and THE BIG LIE, with special emphasis on "Guilt by Association."

Future Shylocks will get invaluable experience in "fixing books," harassing creditors, and seducing prospects, while photographers will get special training in the use of microfilm and infra-red photography.
