
'52 Basketball Squad Opens Against Cubs

Lloyd Harper's freshman basketball team raises the lid on Harvard's 1948-49 basketball season Saturday night when it engages the Brown Cubs in Providence before the varsity game.

In sizing up his team's prospects for the season, Coach Harper noted yesterday that "since it will not be a big team, it will have to make up for its height with clever ball-handling and speed." Harper will miss such men as Ed Smith and Jim Gabler, two giraffe-like forwards who carried the freshman attack last year but have since graduated to the varsity. Harper also pointed out that insufficient practice may result in spotty floor work Saturday.

From the 86 men who turned out almost a month ago, Harper has whittled his squad down to 16, from whom he must name a first string five. Four men who are almost certain starters are center John Stevenson, forwards Jerry Murphy and Bill Hickey, and guard Bill Borah. The other guard will be either Alden Davis or Jim Downey. Others who are slated to see action are forwards Red Barry and Paul Altrocchi. Altrocchi is the brother of John, who played freshman and jayvee ball and is now on the varsity squad.

The team will elect a captain after the Northeastern game next Wednesday,
