Candidates are also rated on their athletic records, personal qualities, the principal's report, and the report of the alumnus who interviewed him. If the applicant had been interviewed by one of the deans of admissions, that report is considered as a seventh category.
After rating the candidate in each of these categories, the board member reviews his entire application, including the ratings given the candidate, and he summarizes everything in an overall rating. Generally, an overall rating of three, along with a good college board score, is sufficient for admission.
The entire process is repeated by another member of the board, who does not see the ratings already given. Each application, with its two rating cards, is sent to David D. Henry '41, assistant dean of Admissions, who checks it. If there is a discrepancy in the two ratings on any factor, Henry adds his interpretation to the others.
Filed for Action
Along with the few which had been given identical ratings, he files them away to await action by the full Board of Admissions.
In the case of scholarship applications, five readings are required, four for rating and another as a financial survey.
During the last week in April, the full Board of Admissions, which is appointed for a one year term by McGeorge Bundy, dean of the Faculty, meets in daily sessions which often last into the night. A simple majority vote of this board is sufficient for admission.
The members of the board include Henry, John U. Monro '35, director of the Financial Aid Center, and Judson T. Shaplin '42, director of Freshman Scholarships. Others on the board Delar Leighton '19, dean of Students, F. Skiddy Von Stade '38, dean of Freshmen, Fredcrick B. Deknatol, William Dorr Boardman Professor of Fine Arts, L. Doslect, professor of Geology, Theodore Morrison '23, lecturer in English, Elliott Perkins '23, master of Lowell House, and Samuel A. Stouffer, professor of Sociology. Wilbur J. Bender '27, dean of Admissions, heads the group.
"Sons of Harvard alumni are not admitted automatically," said Henry, "despite what people think." However," he added, Harvard parentage will give an applicant preference over a candidate who is equal in other respects.
Geographical location is another factor which will give one applicant preference over another. According to Henry, a boy from the Mid-West or West has preference over an Easterner equal in other respects.
"We don't go out of our way to solicit good athletes," said Henry, "but if an exceptional athlete happens along we surely won't turn the other way."
In accordance with an agreement with Yale and Princeton, certificates of admissions are not issued before May 11. The certificate of admission with its stamped signature of Dean Bender is sent to several hundred more applicants than the board hopes will arrive in September.
Included among the 1,400 who receive these certificates are many to whom Harvard is a second choice or an after thought. These are generally enough to reduce the total admissions to 1125, the "ideal" number of admissions. According to Henry, the Board's estimates of how many will not accept their admissions have proved reasonably accurate. In recent years, the number has been from 25-100 more than the ideal number which the board hoped would show up. These few he termed insignificant