
Public Accountant Key Figure in U. S. Industry

A young man or woman who intends to become a certified public accountant should have a college education. In the beginning, ideally, a broad liberal arts course, four years if possible, then a graduate course with concentration on accounting, economic, and legal subjects. The accepted leader in present-day business is a man well-informed not only in his specialty but in cultural matters--history, government, international relations, languages.


His technical courses should, of course, follow systematically and thoroughly all the steps of the art of keeping accounts, not slighting the mechanics of bookkeeping. He should learn how the recording of monetary transactions can set forth the daily financial history of the business enterprise. He should study and understand business law, and most important, the provisions of our state and federal tax laws. He should have courses in cost accounting system building, and government accounting.

$250 TO $400 MONTHLY

Today, more than at any time in the nation's history the accounting profession is urgently in need of competent young men and women. There are simply not enough degree holders from liberal arts colleges and from graduate schools of business administration who are entering public accounting firms. The story of the profession has not been adequately told.


The starting salary of young accountants entering established firms depends on the geographic location, the college record of the new Staff member, his likeness of mind, and his personality and appearance. Currently his starting salary runs from $250 to $400 a month. This is less than he could command in a private position with an industrial enterprise. But the starting salary should not be at primary importance; he must look sheet to where he will be ten years hones. Merit is recognized and advancement, is almost certain.

In the United States, where schools of accounting and business administration are numerous and their instruction is adequate, the young employee's services are valuable immediately. His college courses no not embrace all the problems that he will face in actual practice nor the specific procedures of his accounting firm. Therefore he still has much to learn from his employers. By the end of four or five years, however, he will be handed independent and important assignments and may expect to earn around $6,000 a year. If he becomes a supervisor, a contract manager, or later a partner, of if be establishes a practice of his own, his income may be $10,000 to $25,000 a year. Some certified public accountants earn $100,000 a year.


A certified public accountant as a professional man does not have to become bemired in the vicissitudes of his clients. Except for the loss of a fee, he need not be too disturbed nor is his reputation impaired by the financial failure of a client. He does not have to become involved in the personal jealousies and disputes of company officials or office personnel. He puches no time clocks.

A public accountant's technical equipment, his specialized knowledge, is his permanent possession. No one can take it from him. If he loses his post with one firm, he is still equipped mentally as a result of work experience to fill another.

There is enormous pride and satisfaction to be gained from the privilege of serving people, communities and governments, quite apart from the monetary reward. Professional men everywhere are stimulated by it. There is a dignity in professional work that is its own reward.
