
A Fifth for Five

Many harrassed undergraduates unable to fit a desired fifth course into their schedules or unable to decide whether it is worth the additional expense will find a welcome solution in the University Extension Courses. For a $5 fee--and ninety minutes one night a week--students may take any one of 34 college level courses and may still end up with the same professor they would have paid $100 to hear by daylight. Financed by the Lowell Institute to foster adult education, these basic courses in 19 fields remain open for registration through next Friday.

Main hitch in the money-saving scheme is that Extension Courses do not count toward the standard Harvard A.B. degree though they do offer questionably valuable credit toward a degree as Adjunct of Arts. In particular, they should be attractive to those who want to learn a foreign language but who do not particularly want A.B. credit for it. For the hardened auditor they offer the opportunity--denied at the College--of participating in class discussion at negligible expense. Catalogs to these $95 savings will remain available in 11 Weld Hall through October 15, when registration closes.
