
Investment, Banking Wide Open Fields

Employee-Executive Ratios Are Now at Five to One

It is well-known that banks have liberal provisions for holidays. Most establishments observe from 9 to 12 paid times off in a year. IN contrast, manufacturing industries usually grant only six or seven paid holidays. Besides this, all banks offer regular vacations, usually two weeks in length.

Banking is generally carried on in clean, well-lighted, and well-ventilated offices. For the most part, it does not require much physical effort.

High Starting Pay

Although the bank official is sometimes visualized leading his lavishly-clad wife down to a thermally controlled swimming pool, by and large these men receive only moderate compensation for their work. But is true that men entering banking upon completion of their studies make more in their first few years than men in any other field, excluding the professions. Still, a starting executive stipend of only 22,000 is hardly what the uninitiated would consider to be the average young banker's yearly income.

Actually, $3,000 is more of a minimum salary for this type of position. A maximum figure runs near $4,500, with the usual income somewhere in the vicinity of $3,500. Incidentally, West Coat banks pay out more money to their staffs than banks in any other area in the country. Institutions in the south and Middle Atlantic are the mot close-fisted, having payrolls considerably smaller than the national average. Small banks pay executives loan than one-fourth the amount they would receive working for the largest banks; small towns, however, have much lower cost-of-living indexes than these of New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco.


Salaries increase comfortably as one goes up the banking ladder. Department managers and senior supervisors received fro in $4,500 to $7,000; junior officers, from %5,000 to $9,500; second vice-presidents, from $8,000 to $15,000; vice-presidents, form $15,000 to $30,000; and senior vice-presidents, $50,000 or more.


Most college graduates obtaining jobs in banks are taken on as executives in training. After this, advancement is neither guaranteed nor left to chance. Individual workers must assume responsibility for showing initiative and ability in their fields. They must indicate definite interest in the better positions. Personnel departments maintain confidential, individual desires on which final choice for promotions are made.

Banking experience has often proved a practical training for work in investment institutions and in the United States Government.


When bankers are asked about requirements for their profession, they are rumored to reply; "A successful banker is composed of about one-fifth accountant, two-fifths lawyer, three-fifths--double size. any smaller person may be a pawn broker or a promoter, but not a banker." This is more than self-flattery; for it indicates the high standards placed on the successful banker.

As a man, a banker must obviously be as trustworthy as the ideal Eagle Scout. Equally important is a warm personality coupled with an understanding of people; for banking is a service profession.

All forms of bank work require accuracy and carefulness; but intelligence imagination, and judgment are equally important. And the banks must be able to apply these qualities to the making of decisions. What with most of the problems and questions which come to the banker's desk demanding definite answers, indecisiveness has no place in the banker's make-up.

Authorities agree that there are certain programs of formal preparation which the aspiring banking tycoon should follow, whether his bank he located on Wall Street or on Main Street. A large portion of the potential banker's college program should be devoted to the liberal arts. Whereas some concentration in economics is advisable, most banks claim that the principles of banking and business are best learned by practical experience. Although these banks give a very slight preference to Economics concentrators or to men with a Master of Business Administration degree, all accepted applicants, whether experienced or tyro, undergo bank training programs.

Formal Programs
