
Lubell Twins Pressured From Top 'Record' Jobs

Twins Resign After 'Record' Staff, Alumni Turn on Squeeze; Faculty Ponders Action

The Lubells decided to resign from the staff on Tuesday. This decision was accepted without much argument the next day, at a staff meeting called specifically to elect a new President and Associate Editor.

The Lubells explained, in a letter published in last week's Record, that they were resigning in order "to see the Record continue to exist as the newspaper of the law students serving the Law School and to continue to express itself forthrightly on all matters, including academic freedom."

(Senator Jenner and Robert Morris, counsel for the investigating committee, had emphasized an editorial in the Record, which the Lubells had helped to write, attacking Congressional investigations into universities.)

Record States Its Stand

In an editorial last week, the Record said, "Refusal to answer questions as to present activities . . . implies directly or indirectly that the Record has in some way sheltered such activities, or fostered views that we find abhorrent.


"That implication cannot be permitted, or this paper cannot survive. Nor would it deserve to continue publication if our readers had even a lurking suspicion that our news is colored or our editorials not the expression of attitudes we believe proper for a democracy . . ."

While their status in the Law School remains in doubt, the Lubells intend to complete their studies and to seek admission to the New York State Bar.

Practice May Be Impossible

Prevailing opinion among faculty members, however, is that their refusal to testify before the Senate Committee will prevent their acceptance by any bar association in the country.

As to the hearings themselves, the Lubell's only comment is that the only reason for their being called before the public session was to harass them and to gain publicity for Committee members.

They stated that there was no substantial difference between their testimony at the Thursday executive session and the Friday public session, except that in the latter the Committee avoided questions the Lubells had been answering Thursday and repeated the ones they had not
