Normally, a Social Relations major will take basic courses in the three areas of the Department early in their programs, and then decide on one special branch for specialized training. In order to enable students to get a good background in the department during the first two years, Social Relations 1 has been reduced to a half year. It is no longer a prerequisite for advanced courses, although the department recommends it as an introduction to the field.
For honors candidates, Social Relations is an ideal major. The only additions to the normal requirements are that a student take a half-course in statistics and submit a thesis before the end of his senior year.
Tutorial in Social Relations emphasizes the flexibility which characterizes the field. Sophomore tutorial is run in groups of about six and meets for one hour each week. These sessions will cover a list of key books on Social Relations, designed to impart a familiarity with the field as a whole.
Junior tutorial is run on the same basis, except that it is broken up into specialized and general groups. In the fall, a list of specialized topics is drawn up and concentrators can choose the one they are most interested in. Otherwise, they are assigned to general groups.
Both sophomore and junior tutorial students are given either "Honor", "Pass", or "Fail" for their work. Although tutorial does not count for credit at this stage, these marks are recorded.
The only tutorial course offered in the senior year is Social Relations 99. Individual Tutorial for Honors Candidates. This is a two-term course and one full credit is given, as well as concentration credit. In exceptional cases, second term juniors may take this course.
For a while, Social Relations was known as a glorious gut, and if attracted many "free-ride boys". The Department has been struggling to cut down this excess enrollment and now reports that the "free riders" are a thing of the past.